2023 Munster Orienteering Championships
2023 Munster Orienteering Championships
Tir na Spideoga, Inchigeela, Co. Cork
Sunday October 22nd
Terrain Description
Typical Irish open mountain terrain. The area has significant contour detail with some large areas of marsh. Linear features are limited to fences, walls near the start, and a couple of tracks.
Results - 2023 Munster Orienteering Championships
Start List
Planner: Cillin Corbett
Controller: Brendan O'Brien
Organisers: Danny O'Hare/John Scannell
Contact: corko@orienteering.ie
Given the bad weather of late we expect the terrain to be extremely wet underfoot. Be prepared for bad weather – cagoules/waterproof jackets may be mandatory on the day.
For safety all competitors must carry a whistle.
Start Information
SI Air will not be enabled for this event.
There will be one start for all courses. The start is approximately 500m from the start of the parking, along a flat road. Actual distance may be a bit further depending on parking position.
Start Procedure:
There will be a 4 minute call up before your start as follows:
-4min: Call Up, Clear and Check
-3min: Descriptions
-2min: Blank Map
-1min: Prepare to Start
The start and finish must be punched.
The download for all courses will be in the information tent in the lay by adjacent to the forest entrance marked with the house symbol in the map below. All competitors must download regardless of whether they finish or not.
Safety Bearing
If you get lost and need to abandon the competition, head north to the path or the road. Please report to Download so we know you are safe.
Course and Class Information
All courses will have at least 1 fence crossing with most having 2 crossings. Mandatory crossing points will be indicated on the map by the line between controls deviating towards the crossing point. Crossing points will also be marked on the control descriptions. Take care when using crossing points.
Loose control descriptions will be available at start. They will also be printed on the map. The descriptions for course 9 and 10 are in text format.
Courses 9 and 10 make use of a track which as a result of the recent rain has become quite wet in places.
Course 10 will have two controls which will have taped routes. This will be indicated on the map with a dashed line. The control descriptions also describe these taped routes.
Courses 1 to 6 cross a causeway between a large marsh. This has also become waterlogged so care should be taken when crossing. As a safety measure, tapes will be putout to highlight the driest passage through this. It is not mandatory to follow these tapes and this won't be indicated on the map or control descriptions.
It is approximately 1km back to the start of the parking from the finish. Actual distance will be a bit further depending on parking location. You will pass the start on the wayback after the finish.
Courses will close at 2:30pm
An aerial view of the location can be found here:
The competition area is to the North-West of the village of Inchigeela. As parking is limited, we request that competitors do not approach the competition area from the village of Inchigeela. Instead, please follow the parking instructions below.
All traffic should approach the event from the Renanaree-Ballingeary road L3402
Follow the N22 using the Macroom bypass to Ballymakera. At the coop store take the left turn to Renanaree (road L3402, Renanaree-Ballingeary) and follow the orienteering signs.
No other roads should be used to access the area. Roads in the area are very narrow so please be careful on approach. Hopefully this will ensure minimum disruption to residents.
Please allow for sufficient time to get from parking to the start.
Parking for the event will be the fire-road of a Coillte forest. Please respect the parking marshals.
Parking is limited, so it may be difficult to exit before the completion of the event and prize-giving.
Additional Information
All courses cross fences. Crossing points are mandatory.
First in class plus 1st Munster if different.
Prize Giving at 2:30pm or asap after.