Training Exercises
1. Decision Points
The small purple circles on the map (Map1_DecisionPoints.pdf below) show the decision points. These will be marked on the terrain with a small Kite. At each decision point you need to stop and decide whether to go straight on, left or right.
Refer: To Currabinny Quiz sheet below for training exercises.
2. Handrails
Even if it were pitch dark, you would be able to easily negotiate a winding staircase if you just put your hand on the handrail and followed where it led. Handrails in orienteering are features that you can follow just as easily. Trails and roads are the most obvious, but you can follow fences, streams, ditches, the edges of fields, and other long, narrow features just as easily. Observe the handrails on the course (Map2_Handrails.pdf below) and follow them to the control site.
Refer: To the Corrin Quiz sheet below for training exercises.
3. Colours
Colours show different types of vegetation. Orienteering maps use colours to tell you how easy it is to run in an area e.g. white forest is one that is nice to run in but darker green shades tell you how much the terrain will slow you down.
The controls on this course (Map2_Colours.pdf below) are placed at the boundaries between colours. Being able to identify what the colours on the map look like on the ground will help you find the controls.
Refer: To Ballincollig Quiz sheet below for training exercises.
4. Orientating Your Map
The 3 key orienteering skills
Refer: To Fota Quiz sheet below for training exercises.