Our membership year follows the calendar year and we have members ranging in age from 8 to 80+!
We encourage people who enjoy orienteering and who participate regularly to join Cork Orienteering Club. Benefits of membership include:
Club training Events e.g. Off-The-Paths, Circuit training, Irish Champs training, etc.
Improve your orienteering with advice from experienced club members.
Subsidised Club Orienteering O-tops, O-bottoms and SI Cards
Chance to represent Cork-O in Provincial, National and International events
Social outings throughout the year
Membership subscriptions are the same as in the last number of years:
Juniors: €5
Students: €7
Adults: €10
Families (with children under 18): €25
To join, please complete the membership form (below) and return it at any CorkO event or post it to the address given on the form.