2024 South West League #7

South West League #7

Sunday December 1st Kilworth Military Ranges, Kilworth Co. Cork 

The seventh and final event in the 2024 South West League will take place on Sunday December 1st at Kilworth Military Ranges, Kilworth, Co. Cork.


The terrain is made up of exposed open moorland surrounding Kilworth (Liam Lynch) army camp and ranges, interspersed with many networks of earth walls, gullies & depressions.  The terrain ranges from sheep cropped pasture, rough open fields, gorse & tussocky moorland.  There are some wet areas of bog on some of the longer courses but even after all the rain, the going is still fast with good visibility.


Brown - 10.7km, 31c

Blue – 8.4km - 22c

Green – 6.2km - 15c

Light Green – 4.3km - 13c

Orange – 3.3km – 10c

Yellow – 3.0km – 8c

Mandatory crossing points on the Brown, Blue, Green and Light Green courses.

Taped route to Start on Brown, Blue, Green and Light Green courses.

N.B. The Brown course has >30 controls. Ensure your S.I. Card can accommodate this.

We will have some spare cards available on the day.


Start times available from 11:00 – 13:00

Punching start.

SIAIR will NOT be enabled.

Courses will close at 2pm


The event will be signposted from the Kilworth Military Camp on the R639.

Kilworth ("Lynch") army camp is adjacent to the M8 motorway. If travelling from the South, take the exit off the M8 at junction 14 and follow signs (R639) for Kilworth and Lynch army camp.

If travelling from the North, take the exit off the M8 at junction 13 and follow signs for Kilworth and Lynch army camp (R639). Parking approximately 6km from junction 13.



Adults: €8 / person

Children: €5 / child

Student: €5 / student

Unwaged: €5 / person

OAP: €5 / person

Family Discount: €15 (Maximum of 2 Adults and no more than 5 family members / family)


Enter online at:


Entries close 28/11/24 @ 11:00am. Some entries available on the day.


Kilworth Ranges in mid-December can be a very exposed location - depending on weather conditions on the day - the organisers may insist on wearing rain jacket/cagoule & headwear. Be prepared for all weather conditions.

This event takes place on a military training facility. Along with all the normal safety precautions extra care is necessary in this area. If during your run, you encounter any suspicious item – please do not pick it up. Report the details back to the registration and it will be dealt with accordingly.  Cork O are grateful to the Defence Forces, DFO & Department of Defence for allowing us permission to hold this event.


As per previous years the Defence Forces have allowed us to use the building and Car park near the Ranges area.

There is ample parking and the “Feeding shed” will be used for information, Registration, and post-race discussion.

Hope you can join us on the day.