2025 CorkO Training Event
CorkO Training Event Warrenscourt Wood Sunday January 12th
Unfortunately the recent cold weather alert prevented us from staging our first event of 2025 but we are delighted to now confirm that the event has been RESCHEDULED to Monday February 3rd.
So our first official event for 2025 will now be our training event in Warrenscourt Wood this Sunday January 12th.
This event is open to all to attend and is geared toward improving your off the paths navigation.
To ensure we have sufficient maps and helpers available on the day we would ask that anyone interested in attending please e-mail corko@orienteering.ie with your name and class.
CorkO Training Event Details
Location: Warrenscourt Wood
Date: Sunday January 12th
Time: The courses are available between 11.00 to 12.30, please try to turn up around 11 to have the best experience.
Training Details
There will be two courses on offer to help improve your off the paths navigation with emphasis on use of
1) Handrails - practice using paths, walls, earthwalls, streams, vegetation changes to navigate around the forest
Suitable for inexperienced orienteers.
This course is 2.9km long.
It's possible to do the course, individually, in pairs or with a group.
2) Compass - we take you to the part of the forest with no paths and help you practice taking compass bearings to navigate in terrain.
The course is 3.4km with 17 controls mostly off paths.
As this is a training event we would encourage participants to take their time and identify the features on the map and practice their orienteering skills.
There'll be coaches/instructors on hand to show you what to do and explain the objective of each exercise.
Please bring a compass if you have one and your SI card.
Hope you can join us and please do encourage friends or family who wish to improve their orienteering skill to come along also.