Charity TRAIL Run/Walk at Corrin Wood, Fermoy
Post date: Aug 07, 2013 11:30:30 AM
A 5.6km TRAIL RUN/WALK at Corrin Wood, Fermoy, on Tuesday 13th August.
Marked route, all on forest roads. €7 entry fee and all proceeds go to Down Syndrome Ireland.
Registration from 6.30pm, Mass start at 7.15pm. Refreshments afterwards & Spot prizes.
Organised by members of Cork Orienteering Club who are taking part in the Tour de Munster charity cycle.
Please share the event on Facebook and invite your friends!
Route: starting at a path junction in the south-east corner of the woods, the route climbs along the forest road all the way to the big cross at the top of the hill. This is the hardest part out of the way. From the cross, the route turns back downhill and goes north and west, before sweeping back to an eastward direction at a hairpin bend. About 3.5km into the route we leave the forest road and take a good forest trail back around the eastern section of the woods and back to the start point. Finally, the route continues uphill back to the Finish at the car park. Total distance: 5.6km.
To avoid the toll:
- If coming from the south, take Exit 17 from the M8 motorway at Watergrasshill. Drive through Watergrasshill and Rathcormac and proceed towards Fermoy. Just over 2km to the north of Rathcormac, drive through the roundabout by Cork Marts. One km after this, take the next left which is signposted for Corrin. The car park entrance is 1km up this road on the right hand side.
- If coming from the north, take the M8 motorway as far as Exit 14, just north of Fermoy Proceed through Fermoy using the old Cork road, now the R639, taking a right turn at the traffic lights in the centre of town. About 2km on the other side of Fermoy town there are two roundabouts on either side of an overpass, proceed through both of these and follow the signs for Rathcormac. Proceed 750m up the hill and take the right turn which is signposted for Corrin. The car park entrance is 1km up this road on the right hand side.
Using the toll (€1.90):
- If coming from the south, pay the toll on the M8 motorway and continue a further 10km to take Exit 15 (signposted for Fermoy). You will actually have passed Corrin to the west, so continue down the slip-road and at the roundabout take the 3rd exit (signposted for Cork and Rathcormac). Continue under the overpass and through the next roundabout (signposted Rathcormac). Proceed 750m up the hill and take the right turn which is signposted for Corrin. The car park entrance is 1km up this road on the right hand side.
- If coming from the north, take Exit 15 from the M8 motorway (signposted for Fermoy and Rathcormac). Pay the toll as you leave the slip-road (this toll booth is generally unmanned so you need the correct change). Following the toll booth you come to a roundabout, take the first exit (signposted Rathcormac). Proceed 750m up the hill and take the right turn which is signposted for Corrin. The car park entrance is 1km up this road on the right hand side.