Christmas Fun Event, Currabinny Wood Monday December 27th

Post date: Dec 16, 2021 10:38:3 AM

Our Christmas Orienteering event will take place on Monday 27TH December at Currabinny Woods.

The event will be "score" format - where competitors will have to punch as many controls as possible within the time limit.

There will be 16 controls located in and around Currabinny and competitors will have 40 minutes to visit as many of these as they can. There will additionally be some bonus controls. (details available on the day!). Regular controls will have 10 points and bonus controls will have 20 points.

There will be a 5 points bonus for each minute under the 40 minutes provided you have got all of the controls. 

A penalty of 10 points will apply for every minute over the 40 minutes no matter how many controls you get.

There will be a Mass Start at 11.30 at the William Baldwin Plaque beside the carpark.

Additionally there will be a Buggy friendly Yellow course available for starts between 10.30 and 11.15

Registration is online at the following link:

There is no entry fee for this event. However, there will be a charity bucket at the start if folks wish to make a donation on the day. All proceeds received on the day will be split between Cork Penny Dinners and Unicefs Vaccines Fund.

Controls will be collected at 1:00pm .

Hope you can join us and don't forget your stopwatch!

Happy Christmas!

Form all at CorkO!