Glenbower Wood Trail Blazers
Post date: Jul 25, 2016 4:58:10 PM
The final competitive event in the Cork Orienteering Club Summer League took place in Glenbower Wood, Killeagh on Tuesday July 12th and John Walshe snapped some great photos of those in attendance on the night.These photos appeared in the July 20th issue of the Midleton and District News and just in case you missed them we've posted a copy of the feature below.Â
On the night in question the Corbett family's orienteering excellence shone through and they took the top honors on the Long course in Glenbower. This achievement ensured they headlined John Walshes report on the event which appeared in the Wednesday July 20th issue of the Evening Echo. If you missed it in the print edition we've included the article below.
Huge thanks to John Walshe for getting our sport this great media coverage.