Permanent Orienteering Course Sparks Media Frenzy!
Post date: Dec 05, 2012 11:34:16 PM
First it was trending on twitter and now the recently launched permanent orienteering course in The Regional Park, Ballincollig has been grabbing inches in the broadsheets and tabloid newspapers over the last few days. The Evening Echo ran two articles on the launch the first on Saturday December 1st after the launch event and the second in the Ballincollig feature on Wednesday December 5th. Sean O'Riordan also ran a nice piece in the Irish Examiner on Tuesday Decemebr 4th and finally the Ballincollig Newsletter printed an article on Friday November 30th to promote the official launch.
Thanks to all these print media for helping promote our sport and this great new amenity in The Regional Park, Ballincollig.
If you missed these articles in the print editions then you can read them below. Just click the image to enlarge the article.