Summer League #1: Results and Report
Post date: May 09, 2012 5:2:9 PM
The Cork Orienteering club 2012 Summer League got off to a great start in Farran Forest Park last night. All the current league title holders turned out to commence the defence of their titles and it was fantastic to see some new faces at the event and in particular we were delighted to welcome some new families to the Summer League. With some groups opting for safety in numbers on the Long course and several families sticking together on the short course we had a total 75 competitors who took full advantage of the lovely fresh evening and got to enjoy the first of our Park O style events.
With the Park O approach we were expecting lots of controls and route choice and the planner certainly didn’t disappoint with 22 controls on the Long course. As the forest was dry the running was fast and some rapid decision making was required. Controls 4 to 7 and 22 to the finish provided competitors on the Long course will several options on how to navigate around the deer enclosure. I’m sure the deer were kept entertained by the sight of all the runners and their varied route choices. The clever use of the butterfly pattern also caused some confusion on the Long course for those who didn’t pay enough attention to the map and headed off in the wrong direction from the common controls. Now that you can find us on Facebook we would be delighted to here your comments on the event last night. Well down to the business of the results, and the Long course winner on the night was Rob McEvoy in an impressive time of 28 minutes. Rob also happens to be the reigning Hungarian Sprint Champion (C final)! A little over a minute behind the Hungarian champ was Conrad Daly who took second place with a time of 29:02. Tim O’Donoghue was only 36 seconds after him and took the final podium spot. Niamh Corbett wasn’t a bit tired from winning her class at the Irish Orienteering Championships Long distance event at the weekend and was the fastest lady around the Long course in a time of 34:11. The second lady home was Ailbhe Creedon in 38:13 while Ciara Fitzgerald from team Fitzob was third with a time of 44:14. The Short Course winner was Fintan Cadogan who completed the course in 21:17. However two members of team Bosonnet were hot on his heels with Sienna Bosonnet taking second in 22:24 and Joe Bosonnet third in 23:29. Team Fitzob have made a commanding start to the defence of their Long course team title and they took the only team points on the night with a score of 45 points. They have further strengthened their team with the addition of the reigning Short course champion Frank O’Brien. We would encourage all to consider the team aspect of the league and to form a team with your friends or colleagues and complete the team registration forms available each night or on the website.
Full individual results and splits are available here:
As the deer were not too good at sharing competitor’s route choices the event has been added to RouteGadget. So for all those orienteering enthusiasts who would like to know which decisions proved costly you can upload your GPS route if you have one or if you're not a tech buff you can manually draw your route to compare with fellow competitors. Farran's Long course winner Rob McEvoy has already uploaded his route.Thanks to last night’s planner Sean Murphy for setting out such enjoyable courses and to Dave O'Donovan for helping on the night. Thanks also to those who assisted with control collection and a special word of thanks to Coillte for opening the barrier for the duration of the event. Next week’s location is renowned for a giant’s tomb, hills and a quaint gazebo. The destination is Currabinny Wood. Information and directions can be found here: Before then be sure to analyse the results and find the name of the person you want to reel in at the Currabinny event! Hope to see you there.