Summer League #5: James' Fort Event Info
Post date: Jun 01, 2012 12:4:5 PM
The fifth event in the Cork Orienteering Club Summer League takes place in James' Fort, Kinsale next Tuesday June 5th. If coming from Cork city, head south on the R600 past Kinsale. Take the left turn immediately after the bridge. Parking is on the right-hand side of the road leading to the Dock beach.
See the bottom of the league page for a direction map.
The long course is approximately 3.0km and relatively hilly. The short course is approximately 1.5km and relatively hilly.
The long course has a couple of areas where leg cover is recommended. The short course is suitable for buggies except for the path leading from the beach to the open area. This can be avoided with a slight detour. Map scale 1:4000, 5m contours. Start times are, as usual, from 5:30pm to 7pm. Regards, Fachtna