Sunscreen & SI Card
Post date: May 21, 2012 9:8:49 PM
Sunscreen & SI Card - you'll only need to be sure to pack ONE of these before heading to Fota tomorrow evening for the 3rd event in our Summer Orienteering League. I'll give you a clue, it's not the one you usually have to pack...
Yes that's right, as well as offering you FREE SI Hire at tomorrow's Fota event, we've also arranged for the sun to come out! So grab your runners and come on down to Fota House & Gardens for some fun in the sun. Why not bring a picnic for after you finish your course?
Final course details:
Short: 2.4km, 20 controls, buggy friendly
Long: 4.7km, 23 controls, shin cover advisable!
What the Farsta? Don't forget about our head-to-head Farsta challenge! Further details here.